First time doing subs, typesetting and timings might be a little off as I am naturally not a typesetter but only a translator, but as it is an one man project, please forgive me ^^
Been doing manga/doujin translations mostly.
Comments - 26
You forgot to include your fonts btw.
Only arial font has been used afaik
how are these subs?
Wait for MTBB.
so this sub is not good?
It’s not good if you’re expecting a decent fansub. This person has never used Aegisub before, nor have they ever subbed anything. You would be significantly better off waiting for MTBB. If you don’t care about typesetting, chapters, TLC, styling, etc… Then feel free to grab this release.
thank you
subs were good ; timings were spot on
would rate this fan sub 9/10
Rongmari0 (uploader)
@Astral Sorry that I have to start somewhere, its my first time translating an anime. Doesn’t mean I’m totally shit at doing basic things, sorry that you feel that way ^^
@Rongmari0 you don’t have to apologize if you didn’t stated that this was your first time no one would have guessed it .
i appreciate the handwork you put in ,it is pretty tiring job if done alone.
@Astral chapters are put while encoding a video and not while subbing one .
Rongmari0 (uploader)
I appreciate it! Bit nervous c:
Subs were fine, that one person is overreacting like crazy.
Maybe not of the quality compared to the old garde with tons of experience fansubbers, but for a job alone, this fast and with zero experience it’s a good job.
A lot better than the average google translate fansub stuff some people put out.
you could’ve started by working with people who know how to do that stuff and having them do it instead of you.
no, you can generate chapters and mux them into the release whenever you want.
lol you both are right already did that in his encode
yup subs were good,it was already uploaded by popular streaming sites and they didn’t tagged the video as bad subbed as was the case for some anime’s uploaded like Non-Non Biyori… which were unwatchable
lol @Astral probably woke on the wrong side of the bed his criticism would probably destroy the new guy.
I don’t really want to just flame you so I’ll tell you that you are on the path to learning Japanese, the progress you’ve made is truly an accomplishment, but you’re not done yet. You need a lot more practice and experience before you’ll be able to understand something like Monogatari, and then being able to translate into english is an entirely different skillset that you have to learn on top of that.
peak nyaa.txt
Rongmari0 (uploader)
@Unbased So, do correct me? Instead of pointing out and not saying anything? I have already found some mistakes that I will indeed release a V2 if needed.
@Herkz Searched around but do not have necessary contacts to start working with anybody.
@insane Don’t worry about me, he came into my discord and started telling me to take typesetting classes even when he didn’t open the subs and just left after…
Dont worry.Its the effort that counts.Thats why this is free to anybody who wants to download.The others can wait for a better release if they want to.
向こう here would be the 向こう of where he is now. Since he’s in the mirror world, 向こうの世界 is his world. Again this is the third line dude. I can’t TLC your whole script. I’m trying not to flame you your script shows me that you are genuinely in the process of learning Japanese, but you’re not ready to read/watch Monogatari raw, and you’re certainly in no position to be translating. It’s not a good use of your time, and it’s not in the rightly understood interests of anyone else.
I told you to check out unanimated’s TS guide because it’s a good resource for beginners who are learning to typeset. I left the server because I don’t want to be in a Minecraft server, that’s all.
Rongmari0 (uploader)
@Unbased Oh no I didn’t want you to check it all over, I just wanted clarification of the thing you pointed out! Thank you.
Also me and a few friends just wanted to watch Zoku so that’s why I thought to post it out too, of course I’d know Monogatari is not a place to start :)
Using a single font to do subs and saying typesetted is wrong! So no one need to open the sub to say that. I know that you are beginner so it’s okay, @astral is just trying to help you by giving the material to learn, take it with open mind.
Rongmari0 (uploader)
@gsk_ I do not see a need of using multiple fonts when it wasn’t applicable in this episode. I do want to keep it a safe font instead of adding one that maybe risky, I only used bolded and italic respectively in 2 separate occasions in this as it seemed appropriate.
v2 when?
Thank you Astral, Unbased
Well you need various fonts for typesetting, matching the font and making it look as close to Japanese sign is what Typesetting means. For default why not use commie/coalgirls one to make it consistent? As of now this sub really isn’t even worth watching, leaving timing and typesetting issues, you have lot of typos that even a non english speaking ppl can also easily find them. You really took a wrong series to work with! Monogatari demands high level of translation. You could use your time on other series which requires less effort and if you are interested you can learn the right way to do subs from
i doubt there’s a single fansub group that would turn down a translator who applied. of course, you’d almost certainly have to pass a translation test, and judging by this you’d probably fail.