My-HiME (舞-HiME Mai-HiME) is an anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino,
The series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005. The show focuses on the lives of the HiMEs—girls. Guided by a star only they can see, a group of maidens known as HiMEs have begun to gather at Fuuka Academy. The girls discover that they have been given the ability to materialize weapons and control robotic beasts called Children to stop an evil organization from their plans of domination. In the midst of school work and friendships, they find themselves caught in the midst of strange conspiracies seemingly related to terrifying monsters that keep appearing. These young women have supernatural powers that they can use to their heart’s content, but there’s a price: to wield them, they must put their most important thing on the line.
(Source) wikipedia, myanimelist, Anime-planet … Loosely Edited
Anime Planet ,imdb,,,
Video: Bitdepth: 8 Bit
Resolution: 720x480 Display 4:3 (Original),(Loose Anamorphic)
Framerate: 29.97 FPS (Constant)
Overall Bitrate 2105 kb/s
Encoder: x264
Container: MKV
Format: AVC
Scan Type: Progressive
Source R1 DVD(Bandai Discs)
Audio:[Dual]Japanese 2Ch (Default), English 2ch
Format: AC3, 48 kHz, Sampling 448 kb/s, Stereo/Dolby (Same as original discs)
Channel(s): 2 channels
4 Sub Files/Format Eng/ASS,Eng/ASS[Orig]Eng/VOBSUB,Eng/Vobsub
Source files: Lime,Vobsub
Language: English SoftSub
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