Video: Okay-Raws 60fps
Translator: Netflix (edited)
Karaoke: Haircut Anon (restyled)
Timing/Typesetting: Giant Rat
QC/Extra Translation: Rat
Encoding: -libx264 -preset slow -tune animation -crf 22
Translator’s Note: About half of the signs were translated from scratch by the QC, as was a line of dialogue not present in the Netflix subs.
Karaoker’s Note: The opening song was not present in this episode, hence why OP karaoke is absent.
Typesetter’s Note: Motion tracking + 60fps = bad granola. Thus, an executive decision was made to use \move tags instead. There were also cases where exact style matching would have been too blurry to read; these were ditched in favor of more legible alternatives, at the expense of not blending in as well.
Editor’s Note: The reason this episode took so long is that there were quite a few untranslated signs, as well as a couple more that were translated poorly. There was also the matter of typesetting each and every one of the signs, be it an original, edited, or untouched official translation.
Encoder’s Note: Still using Motbob’s 900p raw due to laziness. In the event of a batch, UCCUSS’ 1080p encode will be used instead. However, a batch is not likely any time soon because it would require QC’ing Haircut Anon’s subs for episodes 1-12, which is quite an undertaking. If someone else out there wants to make a complete season one batch, feel free to use our subs for episodes 13-15.
Uploader’s Note: This overly elaborate description exists in lieu of having the release splattered with translator’s notes.
Comments - 3
does it matter what video source you use if you’re gonna ruin the quality by re-encoding it with such shit settings?