Title: Seireitsukai no Blade Dance
Japanese title: 精霊使いの剣舞〈ブレイドダンス〉
English title: Dance Blade of the Spirit Master, Blade Dance of Elementalers
Volumes: from 1 to 16 + Elemental Festa
Format: Epub
Language: English
MAL Link:
https://myanimelist.net/manga/34553/Seireitsukai_no_Blade_Dance?q=Seireitsukai no Blade Dance
Comments - 7
This series just wrapped up this past March but nothing has advanced past Vol 16?
Thanks for the Elemental Festival, didn’t have that story. Here’s 6 extra stories that are missing from this share. Get em while you can http://www.filedropper.com/seireitsukainobladedanceextra01-06
ok you need to check these e pubs out I had to convert them with caliber to get them to work
vcutter (uploader)
Really? I remember that i had no problem, just load up on my phone and read but its related to volume 1. Maybe its something wrong, i didnt made those epubs.
@noZA_ The translation is going through the 20th/last volume currently so this doesn’t seem to include the latest translated volumes.
@Bahzel Checked all of them and they work fine with SumatraPDFno issues.
@Blanchimont Thanks for the info.
Please upload last 4 volumes too.