[00-02] WEB-DL from CR (Video, JP Audio) / WEB-DL from HiDive (Eng Audio)
[03-12] WEB-DL from HiDive (Video & Audio)
Subtitles are also included.
Subtitles 1: Signs & Songs (Default) – Harunatsu
Subtitles 2: Full Subs (CR) – Crunchyroll (Subs) + Harunatsu (Signs/Songs) | (Thanks to Adiutrax for Episode 10 Insert Song)
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Comments - 2
Yoooooooooooo I just started watching this season and I felt I had to come back and say thank you for all your hard work this feels like a Blu-ray release the quality of the video audio and subs tracks are amazing.
But how can I use the SFV file? help please