Title: Sword Art Online (Season 1) (Bluray)
Video Format : x265_HEVC_10bit_MKV
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Encoded by: Judas
Audio: Japanese - English
Subtitles: English (PSG) - English (Coalgirls)
Source: BDrip[Koten-Gars] + Extras[Moozzi2] (36.2 GiB)
Encoded video from Bluray and added Coalgirls subs
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Comments - 13
episode 14 subtitles are messed up.
they take up the whole screen
though i guess i can use the PGS subs
Thank you!
thnx for the encode bro
there is only one problem, all the signs and song subtitles are low quality and they pup on the screen instead of being like the default subtitle
can you possibly post the sign and songs subtitle that is in the style of the subtitle that you set as default?
so i can replace these with it
for both this and season 2
Episodes 14 and 16’s subtitles are messed up, episode 14’s subtitles take up the whole screen and episode 16’s subtitles are a bit bigger in size than all the other episodes, but it is totally viewable (don’t get me wrong). Episode 14’s subs makes the episode totally not viewable but i guess i can still use the pgs subs… just wanted to point that out, but other than that everything seems to be working just fine, thanks :)
To those who don’t know what people above meant, see these
Judas (uploader)
Thank you for the reports. For now just use PGS subs, I’ll fix the problems for the eventual complete batch of the series when it ends
I did some fix on the subs for episode 14 and 16. Here’s the link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fq6A7qAK_YLGEvUhZwED7UNA0ZwlIyFi?usp=sharing.
Hope you are okay with this Judas. If you want me to remove it pls do tell me. Anyway, thank you as always.
Thanks Judas! So much of my library is from you and I greatly appreciate your hard work!
Why not use Moozzi2’s fully? He has better vid quality.
Thank you very much Judas
Thank you