[YZS SoftSubs] Detective Conan 0165 [480p]

2020-01-16 20:58 UTC
File size:
278.4 MiB
Info hash:
#### **Note** So a lot of things have happened since we started working on 165 few days back. We had OCRed from KnKF and typesetted everything, and then the UTB releeaes were uploaded by Licca(sarachikorita). Then we came to know how hundreds of those KnKF translations are all wrong, and we had to go through them manually and fix them by referencing them with the UTB subs. We also had great help from some of the pro translators in DC world— **Licca, Puto, Spimer, Linzz, Manaphy and Westie** to get the best translations we can. Despite that if you spot some stuff we missed which was translated wrongly (as we are humans as well, and also we're new), please inform us, we'll definitely release a V2 with all the added fixes. Thank a lot everyone ❤ Btw, the next case is a 3 parter, so it'll take some time for our next upload. Stay tuned! #### **Info** **Anime**: Detective Conan **Episodes**: 0165 **Case Title**: The case of the disappearing detective boys! **Subtitles**: English Subs #### **Credits** Translation Sources: **Best of (UTB Subs + KnKF)** + help from **Licca, Puto, Spimer, Linzz, Manaphy, Westie** and **Martini** for numerous translation fixes! OCR & Software Efforts: **Yakubo** Subtitle Annotations and Notes: **Lady Zeline** Spotting Translation Errors: **Yakubo** and **Lady Zeline** TypeSetting, Karaoke and Signs: **Scradow** #### **Contact Us** *Feel free to join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/MvUJaw3) and check out the channel [#translation-fixes](https://discord.gg/WTeGHv2) for a comprehensive list of all the changes that were done to the translations.* #### **Some Screenshots** KazeNoKoe Fansubs | YZS Softsubs (Our) :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/ogB1cdO.jpg) | ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/b2Ue6R6.jpg) ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/cMMHicn.jpg) | ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/cVvxPq5.jpg) ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/21VwD5K.jpg) | ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/3rdvrl5.jpg) ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Z1Z5Lki.jpg) | ![Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/ZyJCBmG.jpg)

File list

  • Detective Conan 0165 [480p][YZS SoftSubs].mkv (278.4 MiB)
thank you mena ♥♥♥
@TheX-FileSUBS you are most welcome friendo! :D regards: Lady Zeline
Awesome work ! Thank you very much for this. Please don't stop.
Im stuck at episode 254 (last OCR episode). Hope you will guys survive until then.

yakubo (uploader)

Thanks for your support @Kripash! @kagame1922 We are gonna redo most of those OCRed episodes as well, since they have been OCRed from hardsubs that had terrible translations. So unless it's from Baaro, ColdFusion or DCTP, we are most likely gonna redo it. And yeah, we'll definitely try not to stop before 254, or even after that, for that matter. Thank you for you good wishes! ?
we won't stop, we will NEVER stop! as long as i'm one the gears rolling in YZS the group will live mark my words >w< regards: Lady Zeline
@yakubo @ZelineF Actually for me also important is quality of video, that's why I'm watching Conan with soft-subs and pretty cool raw videos of Conan that I found some other day. ^^ Anyway, I can't wait to see more Conan! This anime deserves to have good subtitles! Best regards to you guys too!
Awesome XD Good to see , people working together again to soft sub this awesome classic series