Title: Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (BD Batch + Specials + Movie)
Video Format : x265_HEVC_NVENC_10bit_MKV
Resolution : 1080p
Encoded by: SoulSpark
Audio: Japanese (opus)
Audio Movie: Japanese (opus), Japanese (5.1 channel opus), Japanese Commentary (opus)
Source: ReinForce
Movie Source: BDMV
Subs Source: project-gxs (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei), Nep_Blanc (Yoku Wakaru Mahouka!), Doki (Hoshi wo Yobu Shoujo)
(Requested) @hkr008
Comments - 4
what a fantastic anime, cant wait for season 2
Yeah!!! Unfortunately delayed due to COVID-19 ?
I didn’t even know there was a movie, nice. COVID has effectively allowed me to get back on the anime Orgon trail
The movie is no good. Audio cuts off a few minutes in and then it just crashes the player.