Title: Kamichu! (BD Batch + Special)
Video Format : x265_HEVC_NVENC_10bit_MKV
Resolution : 1080p
Rencoded by: SoulSpark
Audio: Japanese (opus), English (opus)
Source: Kiyome
Comments - 5
Are there sign/song subs for the dub?
Soul_Spark (uploader)
I did not get what you meant, but if you wanted to ask, is there sign/songs included in subs, then yes it is. @CorallineAlgae.
Here is the mediainfo for the first episode https://pastebin.com/2BCuYJVu
Woohoo! Thank you. That’s just what i needed to know.
Sorry for wording my question so poorly.
Thank you good sir
Based on the first two episodes, the fonts are missing from this release, they are not embedded as attachments into the mkv.
[Judgment]'s original release has the fonts embedded.