Haunted Junction (HAUNTEDじゃんくしょん) Created by Nemu Mukudori, the manga was serialized in the monthly manga magazine Dengeki from 1996 to 2001. The anime, produced by Bandai Visual and Studio Deen, aired between 2 April 1997 and 25 June 1997. This is a zany comedy with even a Manzai act thrown in for good measure! If you can’t at least get a smile out of this you should probably try something else besides anime.
Meet Haruto Hojo, an ordinary high school student with an unusual problem. Appointed President of the Saints Club, he’s got ghosts and spirits running amuck at school! All he really wants is to have a normal school life. Instead he’s charged with the task of investigating strange phenomena on campus and improving the quality of life for the school. Along with Mutsuki (prodigal Japanese priestess), and Kazumi (a frequently possessed monk), they complete tasks that only seem to make the school more strange and hectic. Certainly not more normal! You might have to put up with a lot of Toilet Hanako along the way (But she doesn’t look to bad), also the ghost headmaster of the school, a stone statue spirit turned into a cute little boy, a Kosak-dancing skeleton, Red Mantle, and the rest of the Saito school spirits. There must be a way to get through it! Oh My God!
Source: Wikipedia, Anidb, Anime Planet, (Revised, Patjantess)
Genres: Comedy, Shounen, Episodic School, Club School Life, Supernatural, Based on a Manga
Links: Anime Planet ,Anidb, wikipedia.org, myanimelist.net
Video: Bitdepth: 8 Bit
Resolution: 720x480 Display 4:3
Framerate: 23.976 FPS, Overall Bitrate around 1700 kb/s (Variable)
Encoder: HEVCx265, Container: MKV
Scan Type: Progressive
Source R1 DVDs (Bandai/Mediaworks)
Audio:Japanese 2Ch
Format: AC3, 48 kHz, Sampling 192 kb/s, Stereo
Channel(s): 2 channels
3 Sub Files/Format: [Patjantess]Eng/ASS (Default), [Patjantess Eng/SRT, Eng/VOBSUB
Source files: DVD VOBS, Exiled Destiny
Language: English SoftSub
Notes: The series previews were swapped to before the ending credits. You don’t have wait through the episode ending to see the next show’s preview.
Comments - 3
“English 2ch”
“Dual Audio_Eng Sibs”
I thought this didn’t have a dub. Also, whats a Sib? ;)
Patjantess (uploader)
I thought I got all the typos on that one. The specs are fixed to Japanese only.
Nakama Yukie is the main MC (Mutsuki Asahina)!!
Yankumi from Gokusen Live Action!
One of the very few Anime roles she did! She’s more of a Live Action Actress than a Voice one.
Good stuff!!!