BONUS - Added manga covers as an optional download.
I first landed on this manga after Isayama Hajime, the author of Shingeki no Kyojin talked about it in an interview…
This manga is a dark emotional roller coaster from start to finish, and is rather unique in its premise. The art can at times be hit or miss, but improves steadily over time…
I won’t do the sin of spoiling this manga any further. Overall, if you are looking for a dark, psychological manga, make sure you read this. It’s certainly not for everyone, but you might enjoy it, who knows really?
How are you doing my man? Hows college? Are attending college lectures online convenient?
BTW, I always keep coming back to your page to see if you have uploaded anything because I always get really good recommendations from you. So if both you and Isayama are vouching for this manga, I’ll give it a go even though I have boards coming up. The covers look very interesting too.
And if you dont mind me asking, how was your 12th boards? Are those results very important for getting into colleges? I am not aiming for great colleges; an above-average college would be just fine for me.
I know its weird to ask for advice in a anime/manga torrent site but I have always seen you giving good advice, whether its about ripping manga or learning Japanese.
@YoRHaUnit College life is going just fine. Although it is tedious as fuck, I’m enjoying this life much more than my engineering prep days lol.
This manga is a short read, so it should not eat up much of your time. You can relax and read it, just don’t fall into the Pit of Procrastination and stop studying xD.
As for my 12th boards, my score was fairly decent. English was a breeze, rest were also OK, including the optionals and practicals. But my god, the Physics exam fucked us over lol. A couple of girls went home weeping, it was that bad xD.
If you are a science student, you can score just okay in your boards(try to get above 75%) and get into a nice college by doing great on your college entrance exams. But if you’re a commerce student, your class 12th marks play a much more significant role in fetching you a college, so study diligently and try to score as much as possible. Hardwork done right now pays off in the end. Overall, try to do your best and leave luck to heaven…
It certainly is weird giving study advice on an animu and mango torrent site, but feel free to ask me anything really. I’ll try my best to answer. Also, I’m glad my comments help you so much, my friend!
@Pajeet Procrastination is something I did the entire lockdown lol.
I am a humanities student so most of it is just mugging things up. But yes, I’ll have to try my best and start studying.
I have no idea why but your advice feels very inspiring. Maybe its because you explain things very nicely & clearly and you just seem very honest with whatever you say…Anyway, thank you very much!
@masterred35 I guess Onizuka’s attitude really did rub off on me lol
Can’t say about DokuMushi, but I can do Inside Mari, albeit the Crunchyroll chapters packaged in volumes. Besides, aKraa is also ripping the Denpa version of the manga, which in my eyes is a better translation. -
@YoRHaUnit I was not so great at History, Civics and the like in my school days, so I’m afraid I cant help you with that xD.
Honestly, I’m amazed that my comments are so helpful. Anyways…good luck for your exams and all the best for the future!
man, i didn’t know that it was a Muneyuki Kaneshiro work. I am a huge fan of his works, specially curently ongoing Blue Lock and Jagaaaaaan both are awesome…Thnx Pajeet bhai
Wow, thanks! I found this manga in a japanese bookshop back in 2016 and wanted to read it since then. Glad to see it has a translation and even a complete one (haven’t checked it since then) lol
Bhai, one request for a decent volume release of manga called “My Girl” by the same author as ‘Watashitachi no Shiawase no Jikan’.
Can’t find a single copy on Nyaa or decent scanlations elsewhere.
Comments - 15
Thank you
Would you please consider doing Sekai Oni oni&cat=manga
Pajeet (uploader)
@sma980 Sekai Oni is on my PTR list. Although I’m not really sure when I’ll read & upload it…
How are you doing my man? Hows college? Are attending college lectures online convenient?
BTW, I always keep coming back to your page to see if you have uploaded anything because I always get really good recommendations from you. So if both you and Isayama are vouching for this manga, I’ll give it a go even though I have boards coming up. The covers look very interesting too.
And if you dont mind me asking, how was your 12th boards? Are those results very important for getting into colleges? I am not aiming for great colleges; an above-average college would be just fine for me.
I know its weird to ask for advice in a anime/manga torrent site but I have always seen you giving good advice, whether its about ripping manga or learning Japanese.
Pajeet (uploader)
@YoRHaUnit College life is going just fine. Although it is tedious as fuck, I’m enjoying this life much more than my engineering prep days lol.
This manga is a short read, so it should not eat up much of your time. You can relax and read it, just don’t fall into the Pit of Procrastination and stop studying xD.
As for my 12th boards, my score was fairly decent. English was a breeze, rest were also OK, including the optionals and practicals. But my god, the Physics exam fucked us over lol. A couple of girls went home weeping, it was that bad xD.
If you are a science student, you can score just okay in your boards(try to get above 75%) and get into a nice college by doing great on your college entrance exams. But if you’re a commerce student, your class 12th marks play a much more significant role in fetching you a college, so study diligently and try to score as much as possible. Hardwork done right now pays off in the end. Overall, try to do your best and leave luck to heaven…
It certainly is weird giving study advice on an animu and mango torrent site, but feel free to ask me anything really. I’ll try my best to answer. Also, I’m glad my comments help you so much, my friend!
thx pajeet paaji
Pajeet (uploader)
@amaanu01 welcome and enjoy bhai ^_^
Pajeet being literally Onizuka while still giving great Manga reviews. By the way, can you do Doku Mushi or Inside Mari, your work is so efficient.
@Pajeet Procrastination is something I did the entire lockdown lol.
I am a humanities student so most of it is just mugging things up. But yes, I’ll have to try my best and start studying.
I have no idea why but your advice feels very inspiring. Maybe its because you explain things very nicely & clearly and you just seem very honest with whatever you say…Anyway, thank you very much!
Pajeet (uploader)
@masterred35 I guess Onizuka’s attitude really did rub off on me lol
Can’t say about DokuMushi, but I can do Inside Mari, albeit the Crunchyroll chapters packaged in volumes. Besides, aKraa is also ripping the Denpa version of the manga, which in my eyes is a better translation. -
Pajeet (uploader)
@YoRHaUnit I was not so great at History, Civics and the like in my school days, so I’m afraid I cant help you with that xD.
Honestly, I’m amazed that my comments are so helpful. Anyways…good luck for your exams and all the best for the future!
man few faces on some covers looks creepy…really those faces…
man, i didn’t know that it was a Muneyuki Kaneshiro work. I am a huge fan of his works, specially curently ongoing Blue Lock and Jagaaaaaan both are awesome…Thnx Pajeet bhai
Wow, thanks! I found this manga in a japanese bookshop back in 2016 and wanted to read it since then. Glad to see it has a translation and even a complete one (haven’t checked it since then) lol
Pajeet (uploader)
@Lingeson those faces on the cover sure look weird, but are also catchy as hell lol…
welcome and enjoy ^_^
@kati-chan enjoy your read, this is a good one!
Bhai, one request for a decent volume release of manga called “My Girl” by the same author as ‘Watashitachi no Shiawase no Jikan’.
Can’t find a single copy on Nyaa or decent scanlations elsewhere.