Raw files. Without patching can be run only on Sega Nu hardware with right keychip.
Contains all versions under 6.xx.xx and MDATA for it.
Original files:
- SBZV_6.00.00_20151030162041_0.app
- SBZV_6.01.01_20151208165125_1_6.00.00.app
- SBZV_6.10.00_20160120225430_1_6.00.00.app
- SBZV_6.20.00_20160725193458_1_6.00.00.app
- SBZV_6.21.00_20160924213418_1_6.00.00.app
- SBZV_6.22.00_20161018183817_1_6.00.00.app
MDATA original files:
- SBZV_M140_20151208130712_0.opt
- SBZV_M150_20160118075954_0.opt
- SBZV_M160_20160218025950_0.opt
- SBZV_M170_20160318120615_0.opt
- SBZV_M180_20160415061457_0.opt
- SBZV_M190_20160620142802_0.opt
- SBZV_M191_20160627132936_0.opt
- SBZV_M192_20160722143052_0.opt
- SBZV_M200_20160810022546_0.opt
- SBZV_M210_20161018173644_0.opt
- SBZV_M211_20161130121050_0.opt
SBZV_1.xx.xx | SBZV_2.xx.xx | SBZV_3.xx.xx | SBZV_4.xx.xx | SBZV_5.xx.xx | SBZV_6.xx.xx (this) | SBZV_7.xx.xx
Comments - 1
Is this quite literally a dump of the AFT cab? I have a good version running on a spare PC, but I was jw.