Hi! This is the finest work I’ve done so far in terms of lives.
This was bought from CDJapan, with first press limited bonuses too.
Hope you’ll enjoy it! It took me almost 12 hours to do it, but I liked every second of it XD
I will buy all others first and second singles, so expect other releases in the following month[s]
I did all the subbing for songs and talking (there isn’t that much tho) and signs for names.
The ripping, timing, corrections of some errors, and everything else apart translation were done by me.
Duration : 26 min 15s
Overall bit rate : 29.0 Mb/s
Original frame rate : 29,976 FPS
The translations for the songs were done by:
@currytantou: Gonna be right, Let’s do the ‘Big-Bang!’, Denran★Countdown
@Matchakame: Anticlockwise
@Zero: Sai-chōten Peaky&Peaky!!
Official / Anonymous: Over Soul, Yumemiru Shōjo ja Irarenai
(CYBER CYBER is fully in English)
Sorry if the scans are a bit bad, my scanner is CIS 1200dpi
If there are any errors, you have any problem or the torrent is dead let me know either in the comments or on telegram.
Comments - 8
Thank you so much! I will definitely take a look at your subs. Perhaps we could collaborate on future bds as well OwO
I would love to do a V2 of my current Connect Live subs with the talking segments as well but I do not feel confident enough in my Japanese to translate that yet.
Setsugennoao (uploader)
you can pm me!
Thank you so much for the sub
Thanks for sharing !!!
May I ask you how to add a icon for nyaa account)
Setsugennoao (uploader)
@uchida_rico You can find infos here
The short answer is: log into gravatar with the same mail as nyaa and change it there
@Setsugennoao Thanks you again!!!Thanks
tysm!!! LETSS GOOO