[Trix] Xenogears 20th Anniversary Concert (2018) [720p AV1 Opus]

2022-01-29 09:51 UTC
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File size:
638.0 MiB
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### **Xenogears 20th Anniversary Concert -The Beginning and the End-** ![alt text](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenogears/images/7/76/Xenogears_box.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/275?cb=20180401050656&path-prefix=es "Xenogears") *** **Contain :** - 2h09min of concert **Video** : 720p AV1 12bits, CQ 30 **Audio 1** : Opus 2.0 approx. 134kb/s The .mkv comes with the **Audio 1**. A .mka containing an **Audio 2** 5.1 track can be found in the other AV1 release. You can remux the video with your preferred audio stream using MKVToolNix. Unfortunately there are no subtitles for this concert as of now, if volunteers want to do it, I will happily make another release with it. Lower video encoding settings for a low sized release. Transparent audio for Opus with bitrates > 128kbps for 2.0 and > 288kbps for 5.1. You can find more detailed video encoding settings in the readme. > **For the best experience on PC or any Android device, install [MPV](https://iamscum.wordpress.com/guides/videoplayback-guide/ "MPV setup guide for PC")** > This release could be perfectly decoded on a Snapdragon 430 device, using the latest [MPV-android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=is.xyz.mpv "Google Play Store") version. Anything newer or better than it can decode the video without trouble. *** #### *► Please, seed to help sharing the torrent !* *** > Other releases : [Decent HEVC release with scans](https://nyaa.si/view/1470653 "HEVC with AAC/FLAC for compatibility") [High quality AV1 release](https://nyaa.si/view/1484051 "HQ AV1 with 5.1 Opus audio") *** ### *" I Am Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, The First and the Last... "*

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