This contains all episodes of the tokusatsu series Caster Chronicles Ryukendo and the Caster Chronicles Ryugunoh and Beyond the Recollection DVD bonus shorts.
The subtitles are the TV-Nihon translation edited by Bereke Scrubs with some retranslation by Zombieweek and ERankedLuck. Included as an additional track is the Hong Kong English dub. Episodes 01-17 are the FloridaScrubs release with the dub added as an additional track and some corrections to subtitle formatting, while 18-51 are our group working from the TV-Nihon translation.
These use DVD RAWs from Bunny Hat RAWs with 8-bit H.264 video and AAC audio. These are hardsubbed files, there is a separate softsubbed release.
Thanks to TV-Nihon, Zombieweek, ERankedLuck, and Bunny Hat RAWs for the material used in this release! :)
Comments - 1
appreciate the work for this now classic toku show.