AMV Collection v 7.01 (2002-2023) AUTHORS+FOLDERS_v3.6 (XLS).rar
v3.6 the lists corrected, on cloud storage #1 or on the mirror; file size: 701,572 bytes
3555 AMV’s, the total weight will be 266 GIB.
If you have already downloaded 2 of my old torrents
1356775 and 1767003
then you don’t need this release, because it combines them.
This is my personal collection of AMV’s: a selection (a very small part) of the most interesting works from my point of view.
Most of these videos were downloaded from (later 2018 - also from the
Although, the number of videos uploaded to AMVORG has drastically decreased in recent years:
from 2004 to 2006, at the peak of popularity, there were about 30,000 per year, in 2018 only about 1000.
Then the fall only continued.
This is due primarily to the development of online video viewing services & mobile internet’s.
About this release:
[2/3/4 +] in .xls lists means just [nice/good/best], I made these notes for myself personally.
After watching the AMV’s, rate it all for yourself.
No information about winners of various AMV-contests here.
Anime titles are given in Japanese transcription.
Most authors have other works besides videos collected here (check .xls “AMV Authors”).
Quality of videos from the beginning of the 2000s is greatly improved:
early standard was 320х240 MPEG1, now it is 1920x1080 H264/HEVC.
Also capability of video editors is upgraded; therefore many old AMVs may look worse both visually and technically.
However old videos moved into category of classics/oldschool.
Almost all of M@Ds are old (2005-2008), and there is very few of them.
There are almost no videos from the despite the fact that this site contains a huge number of good AMVs.
3517 videos out of 3555 collected in this assembly are original files; from the online service (mostly, YT) downloaded just 38 videos.
There are no illiterate crafts in this assembly, for which the term “YouTube-style” is used among AMV makers.
The original 咬人龟 drawing was used for the banner (his page on the weibo).
Comments - 2
qxakanight (uploader)
A link to the corrected version of the .xls lists is attached in the title of the topic.