This replaces a previous encode whose preview, hint and conte were upscaled; most of my uploads this month will be like this.
Following my Conan release of next week, I’ll be releasing a 100 episode catch-up torrent, though some files will be renamed (see my older torrents for details).
As soon as the opportunity arises and I’m up for the job, there are many episodes, as well as a few other unrelated series, that I’d like to try to do better subs of. To some extent, I’m able to do this with the resources I have, but it would do everyone better if I had some assistance, since my queue has gotten quite long and overwhelming as of late due to having to run the project basically 100% solo while working on a couple projects for The-Moonlighters and associated groups. In particular, I am looking for additional translators, translation checkers and editors, and could probably use a couple timers as well. If you’re interested in helping, message Licca on or elsewhere on hoshinet.
Recently my situation regarding Detective Conan has changed slightly, and I’m clear to upgrade some subs which previously I have avoided. If anyone would like to assist in this endeavor, I’m looking for help transcribing the subtitles from DCTP’s episodes which are not presently available in HD, and I may consider upgrading a couple episodes that could otherwise really benefit from the improved encoding which we are in 2016 capable of, versus when the subs were originally released, many years ago.
I am particularly looking for translation or TLC assistance with episodes 124-128, 140, 143, 456-467. Transcriptions of 472-483 and 515-536 would save me quite a bit of effort as well. More DCHD subs should be coming once my motivation circles back around to working on Conan subs (I’m currently spending most of my time on a non-anime project).
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